A Parting Jewel

Dear Friends,

Shana Tova, Happy New Year and thank you for being a part of this year’s 20th edition of Jewels of Elul. We hope you found the introspections from the past 29 days to be mind and heart opening.

This year’s theme “On Their Shoulders,” led to some wonderfully intimate stories that were read by people around the world. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please send your comments to info@picounionproject.org – We’d love to hear from you.

Jewels of Elul is an initiative of the Pico Union Project, a non-profit dedicated to building and uplifting community. If you were moved by this year’s Jewels, we would be grateful if you would join us with a contribution supporting our work distributing free fresh produce, planting gardens and trees, mentoring High School students or assisting our homeless neighbors. To learn more visit this LINK.

Until we meet again,
