Elul 18 ~ Adam B. Schiff

As children, my father told us that “if you are good at what you do, there will always be a demand for you.” We had little notion of what we wanted to do in the future, but he was telling us that — perhaps unlike many in his generation and before — we didn’t need to be consumed with making money. We could pursue our passions, not because we had wealth – we didn’t – but if we had sufficient determination. This was a very liberating idea.

My brother and I could pursue a calling, and merely concentrate on being good at it, and the rest would take care of itself. My brother felt free to pursue his passion and write plays, and I pursued mine in public service.

We are both very grateful that we had the confidence to do so, and our parents gave us that.

Congressman Adam B. Schiff represents California’s 28th Congressional District. schiff.house.gov